Our company provides a process which begins with selecting a greenhouse culture, carrying out the technical and financial analysis, making a forecast of the yield, the required capital, and the operating costs. We are responsible for producing the design, supplying the equipment and undertaking the construction process but, most importantly, our role does not end with the commissioning of your greenhouse; it has just begun. We provide management and agronomic support for your company. It makes Vasupujya Tradelink your partner for the long term!

The execution of your greenhouse project aims to achieve the maximum profit and yield from your greenhouse. Our company has all competences necessary to carry out greenhouse projects from A to Z, the so-called “turnkey” projects.

We realize your turnkey project in 5 steps:

Technical and financial analysis

The project starts with the technical and financial analysis. At this stage, Vasupujya and the customer work together to develop a business plan, where we will determine the type of crop to cultivate, type and dimensions of the greenhouse, internal and external infrastructure, location of the greenhouse, type of fuel, availability of electricity and water, and last but not least the customer market.

At this stage, according to the requirements of the client, we select and develop the most optimal technological solutions for getting maximum profitability and return on investment of the greenhouse. The general project plan is made based on the technical and financial analysis, the yield forecast and the necessary capital and operating costs.

Design and dimensioning

After making all the decisions on design and specification of the required greenhouse equipment as well as the approval of the general construction plan, we proceed to the engineering of the greenhouse. During the design process we provide you with all the necessary drawings and technical documents for obtaining the building permit as well as for the commissioning of the greenhouse project. The design is divided into 3 main parts.

A. The first part is engineering of a greenhouse. This work is carried out in our head office in the Ahmedabad suitable for Indian climate. Therefore the greenhouse constructed by Vasupujya is truly Indian! At this stage all the systems of the greenhouse are developed in detail.

B. At this stage all the external networks are engineered. Communication and other infrastructural elements on the site which are not a part of the greenhouse are designed, such as warehouses, roads etcetera. On the basis of the completed project, the customer can obtain the building permit in the relevant bodies.

C. The third part is the development of a full set of as-built drawings and project documentation on the basis of which the construction of the greenhouse is carried out. This stage is usually completed before the construction work can start.

Classification decisions and logistics

Upon agreement with the customer, we collect and prepare all the documents, as well as obtain the classification decision. We provide the documented classification of the equipment and prepare the necessary documents. This provides substantial savings on the costing of the greenhouse for the client. We provide the quickest and the most profitable import of the equipment and we provide the optimal logistics.

Construction and commissioning

Each greenhouse is unique. The construction of large greenhouses is a labor-consuming and complicated process. It is carried out in accordance with our strict quality standards.

In the construction of modern industrial greenhouses the main role is played by qualified personnel, modern technical equipment, and reliable suppliers and in close cooperation with partners. Therefore, selection of suppliers and quality checks of all semifabrics and raw material is always under our close supervision.

For the construction of modern greenhouses it is necessary to know all the key requirements for a greenhouse. Therefore customers increasingly rely on us to carry out greenhouse projects in the role of the general contractor. Vasupujya solves all the issues that arise and truly frees the customer from unnecessary worries throughout all the stages of the construction.

Acting as the general contractor on your site, we do all the work needed for the realization of a “turnkey” greenhouse.

Greenhouse management

The most important factor for your success is our integrated approach to the implementation of your project.

We continue our cooperation after the completed construction of the greenhouse. After commissioning of the greenhouse, in consultation with you, we provide your greenhouse with the competent management and/or provide full agronomic support. We also provide guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance of the greenhouse.